Broadcasting of life videos end-to-end Management of broadcast flow and of live distribution
The best option for the broadcasting of live eventsBroadcasting of live events
This scalable platform allows to efficiently broadcast live videos anywhere in the world with professional quality
Broadcast any kind of event
- Sporting events
- Education
- Concerts
- Educational Content
- Business events
- Conferences
- Cultural events
- Religious events
- Television
- Radio
- Political events
- Institutional events

Multi-platform and social networks
Share your live video on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook or even on local DTT channels. You can offer your content in a free-to-air or payment model from an appropriate web and mobile platform.
Production in the cloud
Manage your live broadcast in a straightforward and intuitive way, change camera, introduce signs, edit videos and store all your content in the cloud to share on social networks.

Get to know your audience by learning about the users who take part in your live reproductions. Find out more about what they consume and get a better understanding of your target audience.
All the technology so you can successfully broadcast your event
Video capture
Multi-camera broadcast
Live production
4G technology for broadcasting of the event
Recording of the event and recorded viewing service
Broadcast from a mobile device or computer
Record in our servers and broadcast the event at the same time
Previous exploration of the location where broadcasting is going to take place
Tests prior to the event
Creation of the website where the event will be broadcast or integration into the client’s website
Connection with the client’s social networks
Content geo-blocking
View statistics in real time