Stores and manages vast video libraries through a robust and intuitive solution
Customizable and adaptable to the business criteria your strategy demands:
Content loading from external servers or local equipment.
Visibility rules based on date or distribution model.
Keyword identification, classification and labelling of suppliers.
Intuitive channel and section organisation.
Personalised access allowing you to work on several devices at the same time.
Unified management
Single manager, all windows. Centralises decisions relating to content offer and catalogue availability from a single tool for all devices:
Includes exclusive instruments to optimise your content management and sales processes.
Cloud-based raw editing
- Management of segmented advertising for video pre-roll.
WYSIWYG editor for all fronts (web, mobile apps and television)
Automatic translation and transcription creation tool.
Cloud-based live broadcast editing.
Payment plans creation.
Discounts and promo codes.
End-user management.